
Touch Me Not!!

I just want to share something. Something that every body is missing. Sometimes, we think that we are doing the right thing by helping the others to get up. But in the end, we are wrong, because instead of pulling them from the mud, we are actually pushing ourselves into it. I have live my life trying to help the people around me. I got so attached to them, and I feel like I have the obligation and responsibility to help them with their problems. No wonder, I end up hurting myself whenever they are tricking me and left me behind.
If I am going to trace this trust issue I have, I blame it to my parents. Why? Because I do not belong to a happy and complete family. On the other hand, do I really need to blame it to them? Well, they probably do not know how to handle kids, since they are too young to raise a family. The point here is, if you have a complete and happy family, there is a higher tendency that you will be able to develop sense of trust and sense of doubt to all people you will encounter at the same time. You will not be gullible nor too suspicious. You can create this balance in your mind to know what to believe or what to doubt.
I know that this is difficult, but like I said, if you were raised by a complete and happy family, there will be a higher tendency that you will develop this skills.

But in case that you are not, just like in my case, we all have to learn that through our own life's experiences. Like they said, experience is the best teacher. It surely is, but sometimes it is hard to train ourselves not to trust and not to doubt. Lessons will give us something, but if we are willing to accept it. You know how human act, stubborn, hard headed and arrogant. Stubborn enough to accept the wrongs and correct it. Hard headed in terms of choosing the right path and ignoring the wrong one. And, arrogant enough to accept that this particular person that we hated so much is actually correct when telling us that we are wrong.

I just want to share this, because I have been there in that position. I trust, too much. I trust to every people who smiles at me and tell them that they are my friend. People of my age, younger than me and older than me. I trust them and tell them that I am their friend too. I defended them, I give them what they asked me to do and I respected them. Only to get betrayed, cheated and manipulated on. If I am going to say those experience, I might be tackling many names. Yes, that is how this Trust issue banged me over and over again, because I never learned it from the first time. When they left me, I feel angry and full of negative feelings towards them. When they left me hanging in the middle of nowhere, I felt very disappointed, and if there is beyond with this word, that is how I felt. But, then God made me realize that this is not about them. This is not always about those people who treated me wrong. This is about me, and how I let those people treated me. Those lessons will keep on lecturing you if you did not get the sense out of it. Then, I talked to myself, ask for forgiveness for what I did. Then I have found peace..
This message is about to those people who feels like they are repeatedly wronged by people around them.. Wake up, this is not about them but this is always about you. It is always about you.
Do not let anyone treated you like you are nothing. Let them know how you want them to treat you. You do not have to be gullible or suspicious to people, all you need to do is trust yourself. Trust comes with love and respect. Do this, and you will naturally eliminate those negative people around you, because they will treat you right.

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