
Acknowledging your ANGER

To continue my articles about "anger", I want to share some points why do you need to take out all your hatred and grudge from your heart and soul. But before that, I want you to know the best activity that makes you relax by just doing it. Why I asked this? It is because as a person or as an emotional human being, you have to know how you are going to relieve yourself from something that you can't spill out. If something is bothering you or making you stop to say something to a person because it is just too much inside then you need to have an OUTLET.
I personally call it "personal space" where you can just be with yourself, say anything that you want, think anything and just release all the stress and be relieved. Yes, anger and stress is related and directly connected because when a person has these strong negative emotions that are hidden inside and if kept for a long time, it will subconsciously affect that person.
To be more specific, when you are angry at someone and you just can’t say it because maybe you are not in the right position to say it to him, you do not want to get involved into some arguments, you think it will be useless to say it because it will not change anything or you just don’t have the strength to say it, these emotions will add up inside you until it became a hole that will consume you.
Negative emotions such as anger, frustration, disappointments and other strong feelings can cause stress to a person. But did you know that stress can actually help you to focus? Stress is actually a defense mechanism of the body once a person is in danger. It will help the person to focus on a certain task because of the adrenaline and cortisol hormones which are the major stress hormones to be released once a person is in danger or meeting a deadline. But when these stress hormones will stay in the circulation and if this will not stop because you are consistently having some danger (emotional, physical, spiritual and mental) then this can cause another danger to a person.

If you are angry at someone, you have to say it to that person so that your body will be able to relax afterwards. Whenever a person is angry or have a negative feelings into something, like I said the stress hormones will be activated and focus on that negative emotions. The heart rate of the person will be faster, breathing will be faster, digestion will slowdown, muscles are contracted and the person is alert and active. So imagine this energy that will pile up inside of you when you will not able to say your anger to a person. When this will continue, your heart will be tired pumping, your lungs will slowdown, you will not feel hungry or do not have any appetite, there will be a muscle pains everywhere because of the contracted muscles and you will feel weak and very tired always.
Everything will be falling apart on you so you before anything else, say what you need to say to that person. If you love yourself you should tell to that person that you are angry at him and let him know that what he did is wrong. When you want decide to spill the bean it does not mean that you are picking a fight or disrespecting that person. It only means that you love yourself that you would not want to be stressed out. If you can’t tell it using your voice then you can say it by letter or a text message.
I know that it will be hard at first but once you burst out (without hostility) your stress hormones will be minimized and you will feel relieved. If you think that your decision to speak up did not work out then you can just do your “outlet” and let all your frustration, anger, disappointment take it away. After that Breathe in, breathe out then go to sleep.

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