
Anger-How it ruins your personality

Anger is a strong feeling that sometimes the brain is not thinking anymore because the person is controlled by that emotion. It is like holding a very hot stone which you want to throw to someone but in the end you will be the one who gets burned. What happens to your brain and body when you are angry and you just blurt it out?
The brain is very complicated to understand but I will just make it simple for us to really understand what is happening why a person becomes hostile when angry. First you need to know is the structures of the brain that is responsible for thinking or rationalizing, feeling and emotions. Your cerebral cortex is located on your frontal lobe which is responsible why a person is thinking. This is the main part of the brain that processes all the information that needs to have decision. The right and wrong, the advantage and disadvantages of certain situation before finally decide on what to do. When talking about the feelings and emotions, it is regulated by a tiny bean structure called limbic system that is located below the cortex. Then the amygdala is part of the limbic system that is responsible in storing emotional memories.
Now when a person is stimulated by a person, situation or anything that triggers certain memory the amygdala will decide where to send the message to cerebral cortex or to limbic system. Now when the message will trigger intense emotion the amygdale will send the message to the limbic system and anger is activated. The limbic system is a part of the brain that there is no processing of rationalization or any evaluation if the act is right or wrong but it focuses only to the feelings and emotions. On top of this, when a person is angry there will be a significant decrease of serotonin (hormones that makes you feel happy) level on the brain.

When you are angry, you will be able to deliver the best speech in the world that you will regret later. Why? When your limbic system dominates and you let it control you, your cerebral cortex will interfere after a couple of minutes. This is the reason why experts recommended you to count before you talk because when your brain is able to count numbers it means that you are letting your cerebral cortex to dominate and not your limbic system. After the counting your brain will be able to weight the words that you should say and should not.

I just want to share this information so that you will think twice before saying something to all the people that is important to you. We are all humans and we bound to make a lot of mistakes but this is one of the conditions that we can control so that we will not hurt anyone and ourselves. Just like I said, if you are angry you will just throw a hot stone that will bounce back at you. Let your cerebral cortex dominate when you want to burst out.

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