
It will start within you

Are you happy? Do you feel contented? Do you have ambition?
We are always looking for happiness. This simple word keeps us hoping that at the end of it all, we will get what we have deserve, and that is to be happy.
But, isn't kind of odd? We are trying our best, do everything to be happy, but it seems like this 9 letter word is always hard to tame. It feels like we have a long way to go before we even tell to ourselves that, yes! I am happy.

We cannot have it all! That is one thing I have learned in this world. You can get whatever you like, but there is always something about it that you have to endure, which you have to force yourself to accept. There is something about this thing that you have wished or worked for, that makes you feel different. So, you tend to look for something else, and by looking for something else, you empty your cup again.

How do you define contentment? Is it the feeling of being loyal to something or someone? Or is it setting your mind not to look for anything, since you already have it with you, though it is not all you wanted, but it is better than nothing.
Have you ever experience buying something that you really like, and when you bought it, you saw something better. Then you felt cheated! And the blaming game started to stick inside your head.

Everyone has their own dreams. Big houses, fab cars, amazing life, and so on, while others are dreaming of just eating 3 square meal in a day. How do you define dreams? According to psychology, dreams are like fuel to people. It drives the person to do the impossible, especially in a very difficult situation. But the question is, after getting your dreams. what comes next? Are you going to create a new dream? I mean, you already have it. Does it mean that you are not contented? Does it imply that you are not happy?

What I know of, happiness is not something you can touch, or brought about by any material stuff. It does not matter if you have this or you got nothing. Happiness is something that you can feel first within you. You have to be contented about yourself. You have to feel whole about yourself. Happiness never dictated by any stimulus outside, because it always comes inside and out.

It is alright to ask for more after getting something that you really like, because just like the 3 square meal in a day, tomorrow you have to eat again. Ambitious mind will always ask for something more, it will never stop even you have reached your goals, or achieved the things that you have worked for. Once you get your dreams, you have to create a new one and then maybe, leveling up by creating one for others. 

At the end of the day, the best feeling is about sharing your achievement to others.